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Major hero Liang targets Thailand Open

China's Liang Wenchong, still on a high after finishing equal eighth in the US PGA Championship two weeks ago, will attempt to win his third title on OneAsia when he tees-off on Thursday.

China's Liang Wenchong, still on a high after finishing equal eighth in the US PGA Championship two weeks ago, will attempt to win his third title on OneAsia when he tees-off on Thursday.
China's Liang Wenchong, still on a high after finishing equal eighth in the US PGA Championship two weeks ago, will attempt to win his third title on OneAsia when he tees-off on Thursday. 中国球员梁文超两周前在美国PGA锦标赛上获得并列第八名的好成绩。目前,状态正佳的他已在泰国公开赛周四的首轮比赛中出场,希望赢得个人的第三个同一亚洲冠军。
The US$1 million tournament starts today at Burapha Golf Club and although he is tired after a hectic schedule, he is now armed with even greater confidence. 奖金总额100万美元的泰国公开赛于今日在布拉法高尔夫俱乐部开杆。尽管赛程繁忙,略感疲惫,但梁文超信心十足。
"It was a huge learning experience. I always learn a lot from playing in the big events but the US PGA Championship gave me even greater experience. It was a great week playing with so many world class players. I was a little nervous in the final round, but again it is something I can learn from," said Liang. “那是学习的很好机会,我总是从这些大赛中不断学习。”梁文超说,“这次美国之行给了我最丰富的经验,与这些世界优秀球手们一起比赛感觉非常棒!最后一轮,我也会有一点点紧张,但重要的是我能从中学习。”
He finished three strokes behind winner Martin Kaymer from Germany and now has the appetite to challenge for more Majors. 在今年的第四场大满贯赛上,梁文冲落后冠军德国选手马丁•凯梅尔3杆。现在,他迫切期待着应战更多的大满贯赛。
"It is difficult to say if I think I can win one. I just need to keep playing at this same level and then I may win a Major. I am feeling a little tired this week but once we get going this I am sure I will be fine," added the 32-year-old. “能不能夺冠很难讲。我只是需要自己保持现在的水平,或许也有机会赢大满贯赛。这周,我觉得有点累,但是一旦进入比赛,状态会好些。”32岁的梁文冲说道。
Liang won the Midea China Classic on OneAsia last year and claimed this year's season opening Luxehills Chengdu Open, also in China. 去年,梁文冲在同一亚洲“美的”中国精英赛上夺冠,今年又于揭幕赛——成都麓山高尔夫公开赛上再下一城,成为同一亚洲的首位双冠王。
He also took second place in the Indonesia Open presented by Enjoy Jakarta. 他还在雅加达旅游局赞助的印度尼西亚公开赛上获得亚军。
In the first round Liang has been paired with Thailand's Thaworn Wiratchant and New Zealander Michael Hendry, who won the Indonesia Open. 周四首轮,梁文冲与泰国名将威拉沧和新西兰选手迈克•亨德瑞同组。亨德瑞是今年印尼公开赛的冠军。
Thaworn has played at Burapha many times before in local events but the course set up this week is different and it is much longer. 威拉沧曾多次来布拉法球场比赛,不过,今年场地变得更难也更长。
"I think my chances are 50/50. It is long and I think some of the Thais will struggle apart from those like Kiradech Aphibarnrat and Chawalit Plaphol who hit it quite far," said Thaworn. “我的机会大概是一半对一半。距离加长了,多数泰国球员都会很挣扎。不过像Kiradech Aphibarnrat和Chawalit Plaphol这样擅长长打的选手就没什么问题。”威拉沧说。
The veteran Thai has not won his national Open before but has claimed 11 titles on the Asian circuit. 这位泰国老将在职业生涯中已经赢得了11场亚洲赛事,但是,至今还未夺冠本国的公开赛。
He won the Singha E-San Open this season on the Mercedes-Benz Tour. 今年,威拉沧在梅塞德斯—奔驰巡回赛的Singha E-San公开赛收获了冠军。

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