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China Invests Billions to Clean water

China's environmental protection department will invest 270 billion yuan (about US$34 billion) to clean its seven major rivers.

One of the aim is to cut down by 10 percent the total discharge of nitrogen and ammonia into those rivers in four years.

Although great efforts have been made in the field, yet according to the State Environmental Protection Administration, only one third of the 752 monitoring centers along the seven majorrivers reported that the water quality there were fairly good.

The priority of the upcoming project will be given to Huaihe, Haihe and Liaohe rivers as well as Taihu, Chaohu and Dianchi lakes.

( eastday.com February15, 2002)

In This Series

China Launches Massive Program to Clean Bohai Sea

Pollution to Be Tackled Prior to Water Project

Water Saving and Pollution Control in Industry



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