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Reuters' Qing Niao Website Makes Low-key Entry into China
Negotiation on China's WTO Accession just concluded last week undoubtedly forecasts an upsurge of a new round of transnational groups' entry into China. Recently, the formal appearance of Qing Niao Web Software Technology (Beijing) Co. Ltd., a Reuters-invested subsidiary in China, is a clear signal.

Qing Niao Web is a China-based exclusive investment technology project of Reuters Group, the No.1 global information, journalism and technology service group. This website aims at formidable basic industries such as petrochemical, metal and agricultural sectors. Based on Reuters' worldwide information-collecting terminals, the website unites with authoritative information providers in various industries to engage in B2B e-business.

Although Nasdaq comprehensive index has hit 1500 points, Reuters is obviously full of confidence in e-business. "We think the e-business platform model is not promising and non-transaction, therefore, all pieces of information on trades and enterprises provided by Qing Niao Web are highly standardized", that is how Shen Guanling, chief business official of Qing Niao Website, commented on B2B.

The metal, petrochemical and agricultural webs which Qing Niao Website has recently opened can provide round-the-clock quick news about markets of respective trades, information about international futures and spot trading, information about domestic futures and spot trading, reference information about the market, management and other kinds of information.

Manager of Reuters Group North Asia Regional Market Department said Reuters has 190 news agencies around the globe which provide more than 940,000 kinds of data concerning stocks, bonds, financial tools as well as 40,000 listed companies: "At the same time, Reuters also gives real-time announcement of economic and financial information about 257 exchanges and over-the-counter market. Currently, Reuters Group has the Qing Niao Website engaging in B2B and the Shanghai Xinliduo Company, a data-collecting listed company, both are placed under the management of Xinhua News Agency and the Ministry of Information Industry. China's entry into the WTO means a very good opportunity for the Reuters Group. It is now impossible for foreign capital to get ISP and ICP licenses, but the various kinds of information products of Reuters will produce efficiency in China.

(People's Daily 09/28/2001)

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