A Panda which had a cataract removed from her right eye on April 14 at the Southeast Ophthalmic Hospital in Fuzou city, can now see normally with the eye, her keeper said.
The operation, performed by Zhao Guangjian, director of the hospital, is believed to be the first cataract operation Chinese doctors have carried out on a panda.
The panda named "Bass" first began to be troubled by the cataract about five years ago and before the operation had completely lost her sight in the eye.
"Bass" came to the Fuzhou panda park in 1981 and was a popular gymnastic star before the disease forced her to cease performance.
In late 1980s she caused a sensation when she visited the United States .
"Bass" will resume her gymnastic performances on May 1 International Labor Day, her keeper said.
(Xinhua News Agency April 30, 2002)