The China APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) Academy was inaugurated Friday in Beijing with Chinese Vice-Premier Qian Qichen speaking at the ceremony.
Qian spoke highly of APEC's positive role in promoting regional economic development and made it clear China is determined to continuously take an active part in Asia-Pacific economic cooperation.
He stressed that to strengthen cooperation among government departments, academic institutions and businesses is an important measure to implement the results obtained during the Shanghai APEC meeting last year, which is of great significance to promote the development of human resources and economic and technological cooperation.
He said he hoped that the academy will add to China's social and economic development by making good use of higher learning institutions and taking into consideration demands of the government work and business operations.
The ceremony was attended by officials from relevant government departments and Tianjin Municipality, Nankai University faculty members and delegates attending the APEC China Enterprises' Assembly annual meeting, as well as diplomatic envoys and APEC members' representatives.
An unveiling ceremony for the academy was held last Friday at Nankai University in Tianjin.
The decision to establish the academy which is sponsored by the Nankai University, Chinese government departments and the APEC China Enterprises' Assembly, was announced during the Shanghai APEC meeting in October last year.
By using Nankai's resources, combining government departments, large enterprises and academic institutions, the academy aims to conduct academic exchanges with other APEC study organizations around the world and to establish a base for academic studies, personnel training, consultative services and information data.
(People's Daily April 27, 2002)