
Berlin Accepts Gift of Pagoda From Its Sister City

Chinese capital city of Beijing donated a pagoda to its sister city Berlin on September 16 in the German capital with a vow to deepen the existing friendship between people and regional governments of the two sister cities.

At a donating ceremony at Berlin's Marzahn District, Beijing

mayor representative Long Xinmin said the pagoda, as a symbol of peace and harmony, shows Beijing's good willingness towards Berlin and demonstrates the good wishes of the Chinese people towards peace.

Long added that he was sure the pagoda also adds a new scenic spot to the German metropolis.

The donating ceremony was held a time when the China Fest of the Asia-Pacific Weeks Berlin 2001 is to open on September 17 with grand colorful palette of important cultural events introducing China to the German people. The 3rd Asia-Pacific Weeks lasts two weeks.

Long noted that as a previous good gesture, Beijing helped establish the Garden of the Regained Moon last October in Berlin's Marzahn, and the donation of a pagoda clearly demonstrates Beijing people's wishes towards Berlin.

Beijing sent some 160 people to Berlin to kick off various cultural activities at the China Fest, which was jointly sponsored by the Berlin municipal government and China's State Council Information Office, Long said.

Berlin Mayor Klaus Wowereit said at the ceremony that the donating event, coming at a time when friendly ties between Berlin and Beijing residents are being greatly enhanced, is of vital importance in promoting mutual friendship and understanding between people of the sister cities.

Mutual friendship and understanding are a pillar in maintaining world peace, Wowereit said.

He affirmed that the China Fest, with a vast display of cultural and economic performances, provides a good opportunity for Berlin people to get better understanding of Chinese cultural heritage and people's livelihood.

Wowereit also recommends the German people to visit China to see with their own eyes the vibrating changes in the Asian country.

The German people are keen to view the grandeur of China, and the 200,000-odd visitors to the newly-established Garden of the Regained Moon in the past several years is a clear sign, he said.

The pagoda donating ceremony drew over a 1000 people at the Garden of the Regained Moon.

(China Daily 09/18/2001)

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