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China Concerned with Powell's Remark on Taiwan

China Tuesday voiced strong concern and dissatisfaction over the use of the term "the republic of China" by US Secretary of State Colin Powell when referring to Taiwan in his recent remarks. China has made solemn representation with the US side over this issue, said foreign ministry spokesman Zhu Bangzao at the regular press conference.

He pointed out it has been universally recognized that there’s only one China in the world, Taiwan is just a part of the Chinese territory, and the government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legitimate government representing the whole of China.

The US side has stressed that the use of the term was just a slip of tongue by the Secretary of State and doesn't indicate any change in the One China policy pursued by the US.

"We have taken note of the above explanation by the US side and hope that the US would guarantee no recurrence of similar cases,” Zhu said.

(Xinhua 03/13/2001)

In This Series

Taiwan Issue Remain Key to China-US Ties



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