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US Secretary of State Designate Reiterates One-China Policy

US Secretary of State nominee Colin Powell Wednesday reiterated the one-China policy, saying that the new government is working for a constructive relationship with China.

"The United States has long acknowledged the view that there is only one China. In that respect, Taiwan is part of China," Powell said in a prepared opening statement at a Senate confirmation hearing.

The general, who was nominated by President-elect George W. Bush as secretary of state, said that the new administration will "do what we can do that is constructive, that is helpful, and that is in our interest" as far as relations with China are concerned.

Powell, born in New York City on April 5, 1937, had been a professional soldier for 35 years. He was chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from October 1, 1989 until his retirement on September 30, 1993 under both presidents George Bush and Bill Clinton. He had served earlier as national security advisor to President Ronald Reagan.

(People's Daily 01/18/2001)

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