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3,000 Ahus Die in Blizzard-Hit Area in Xinjiang

The blizzard-ravaged Altay Prefecture in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is taking every possible measure to prevent ahus, a rare antelope species, and other wildlife from starving.

The prefectural Forest Administration has allocated 670,000 yuan to buy and transport feed for the rare animals living in the region.

Over the past two weeks rescue workers have spread 69 truckloads of fodder along the roads normally frequented by ahus as well as in the Kalamaili Mountain Nature Preserve. Local herdsmen are encouraged to give food to animals that wander into their private pens. These efforts alone have aided 280 hungry red deer, according to the administration.

To date, 3,000 ahus, making up 15 percent of the total in the region, have died of starvation and exposure.

Altay is the home to many other rare animals including wild ass, red deer and argali. The grazing lands there now are covered with snow ranging from 70 mm to 2.5 meters deep.

The ahus have moved 100 km south from their original habitat to look for food, but many of them have suffered from frostbite after the long journey over the snow and ice. An official with the administration said an estimated 2.1 million yuan of relief funds will be needed to adequately protect the wildlife in the region during winter.

(People’s Daily 02/19/2001)

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