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Reactionary Nature of Falun Gong Cult Exposed

The Falun Gong cult has evolved into a reactionary political force that is doing everything possible against the Chinese government and people, said a Xinhua article, citing a series of illegal activities of the banned cult.

Since the Falun Gong cult was founded, it has carried out a steady stream of sabotage, created chaos, sought refuge with political forces hostile to China, and been a force behind outside interference in China's internal affairs, the article pointed out.

In the cult's latest unlawful act, a handful of Falun Gong cult members attempted to stir up trouble during a flag-raising ceremony attended by 200,000 Chinese at Tiananmen Square to mark the country's 51st founding anniversary on October 1.

The article also recalled the outlawed cult's destructive acts both in the past and in other countries, saying that the cult members' flagrant violations of China's state laws have been condemned not only by people in the fields of culture, education, science and technology, but also by former Falun Gong practitioners.

Jin Shuying, a reformed Falun Gong member, was quoted as saying, "Making trouble on National Day was their way of creating confusion. I have seen clearly that the cult does not help people improve their health. Its ulterior motive is to sabotage social order."

A great number of facts prove that the activities of Falun Gong founder Li Hongzhi and his cult are no longer done for the purposes of improving health, seeking truth or for deepening philosophical beliefs; they are carefully organized, politically-motivated acts directed at the Chinese government and the Communist Party of China, the article said.

Li Hongzhi and his crowd fully abandoned national pride, threw themselves into the arms of overseas anti-China forces and were willingly used by international hostile forces as tools to interfere in China's internal affairs, it pointed out, adding that some hostile forces that do not want to see a stronger China have seized the opportunity to collude with the Falun Gong cult.

The article pointed out that the struggle against the Falun Gong cult is a serious political fight to maintain the leadership of the Communist Party of China and strengthen the socialist system.

It will be a mistake to go down in history if the Chinese cannot clearly understand the political nature of the cult and deal with it in a firm and just way, the article warned.

(People's Daily 10/10/2000)

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