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Deputy Profile -- Jiang Hongbin

Jiang Hongbin

Question: Where are you from?

Answer: Harbin city of Heilongjiang Province

Question: What is your profession?

Answer: Chairman of China & Thailand Joint Heilongjiang China Tai Enterprises Co., Ltd, a company that engages in agricultural products, forage, husbandry, and export.

Question: What is the issue of most concern to people in your area of China?

Answer: The people in Heilongjiang are most concerned about how to develop agriculture to increase the income of the peasants and reduce their burdens. As a traditional agricultural province in northeast China, Heilongjiang will face a hard time after China�s entry into WTO.

Question: What proposals have you made, or what did you hope to accomplish at this session?

Answer: This is my first term as a deputy elected to the National People�s Congress, and I have delivered more than 30 pieces of proposals to NPC, half of them relating to agricultural issues.

Question: What have you seen achieved over the last five years?

Answer: I witnessed my proposals being accepted by the central government. For example, I pointed out that chicken-smuggling from the United States and Brazil had become a flood in China�s southeast province, really hurting the domestic meat market and cause hidden health problems to people who ate the chicken which had not been inspected. I was glad to see that the government cracked down on this issue and achieved a series of successes.

Question: When Congress is not in session, how do you exercise your responsibilities as a deputy?

Answer: I have a lot of business to do, but I also pay attention to the complaints of the people, especially in regard to judicial corruption. This year I brought a miscarriage of justice case to the NPC, and I hope the victims can receive compensation.

Question: What is your hope for the future?

Answer: I will perform my duties as a NPC deputy until the very last moment in the next few months. I hope I can be reelected as a deputy of NPC and if I fail I hope my successor can continue to represent the interests of the people and speak for the people.

(By Liu Wenlong, china.org.cn staff reporter, March 11, 2002)

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