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Chinese President Discuss Globalization With Venezuelan Legislature Leader

Chinese President Jiang Zemin said Monday in Caracas that the world is certainly going toward globalization in the 21st century for such a move reflects the common aspiration of most countries in the world.

Jiang, who is paying a state visit here, made the remarks in his meeting with President of Venezuelan National Congress William Lara.

The Chinese president said that all countries, big of small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are equal members of the international community. "Globalization is inevitable for the social development and the trend should be conducive to the common prosperity of all the nations the world over," he said.

"The new century brings new opportunities for our two countries and so I believe Sino-Venezuelan cooperation will stride forward in the new century," he said.

Jiang said that the friendly exchanges between China's National People's Congress and the Venezuelan National Congress enhanced the people-to-people understanding and friendship and played an important role in advancing bilateral ties.

Lara said the Venezuelan National Congress firmly supports the government policy to develop cooperation with China and hopes such cooperation will be more active and fruitful in agricultural, energy and other fields.

Lara said that Venezuela and China shared identical stance on the basic principles governing international relations. Venezuela supports the democratization of international relations and globalization, he said.

He also pointed out that globalization should mean mutual support and cooperation among the people in the world and should respect the sovereignty and independence of individual countries.

Lara said that his country opposes a uni-polar world and the imposition of one country's will on the whole world.

Also today, Jiang received a diploma honoring him as " distinguished guest of Caracas" and the key of the capital city.

(People's Daily 04/17/2001)

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