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Li Peng meets chairman of Russian State Duma

China's top legislator Li Peng said in New York Thursday that the Chinese National People's Congress ( NPC) is willing to work together with the State Duma of Russia to help contribute to the strategic partnership between China and Russia.

Li, chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, made the remarks during a meeting with Gennady Seleznyov, chairman of the Russian State Duma. The two men are in New York attending the millennium parliamentary conference that began at the headquarters of the United Nations Wednesday.

As Li is to visit Russia soon, he said he is looking forward to meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Duma president himself and Yegor Stroyev, speaker of Russian Federal Council.

In addition, he said he hopes to meet with former Russian President Boris Yeltsin and other "old friends" when he visits Russia.

Seleznyov said Russia and China have scored new progress in their strategic partnership. The upper and lower houses of the Russian parliament have had good cooperation with the NPC of China in various areas, he added.

The Duma chairman told Li that he and Stroyev both are expecting his upcoming trip to Russia.

(Xinhua 09/1/2000)

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