Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji sends congratulations

Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji sent a message of congratulation Monday to the 36th Summit of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) in Lome.

In the message, Zhu praised the OAU for its important contribution to "the struggle for national independence and political emancipation in Africa, the maintenance of peace and stability in the continent, the promotion of the region's economic growth and the safeguarding of the legitimate rights and interests of African countries in international affairs."

Zhu believed that African countries will surmount all difficulties and obstacles and embark on the road to rejuvenation in the new century under the banner of African unity and with the assistance of the international community.

Zhu said that the Chinese government has all along attached importance to Africa. He stressed China's independent foreign policy of peace to enhance "its solidarity and cooperation with the vast number of developing countries, including those in Africa. "

Zhu said it is imperative that "China and Africa further strengthen consultation so as to expand their common ground and promote cooperation" at a time of economic globalization.

He said he wishes the summit a complete success.

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