Zhu: Potential big for trade with Belgium

China and Belgium will enjoy even closer ties after China joins the World Trade Organization (WTO), Belgian King Albert II said Monday.

He told visiting Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji that Belgium thinks highly of China's international role.

"Belgium will continue to adhere to one-China policy and not to develop any official relationship with Taiwan,'' he promised.

The Belgian king said that the Belgian Government and people pay close attention to China's economic and social development and admire Chinese people for their "amazing achievements'' of recent years.

He expressed his satisfaction on the sound development of the bilateral relationship.

Zhu said China is happy to see closer Sino-Belgian ties marked by high-level exchanges and increased trade.

The Chinese premier also mentioned discussions on Sino-Belgian culture, education, and science and technology exchanges.

Zhu said the visit of a Belgian business delegation headed by Prince Philip in May helped promote economic and trade co-operation.

"The Chinese and Belgian economies are highly complementary and some Belgian companies have been very successful in China,'' Zhu said.

Meanwhile, Zhu also met with European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana during a meeting in Brussels Monday.

Belgium is China's sixth biggest trade partner in Europe.

China mainly imports complete sets of equipment, mineral, precision instruments and technologies from Belgium. It exports textile, garments and shoes to Belgium.

One of the first European countries to extend governmental loans to China, Belgium had lent US$118 million by the end of 1999.

By the end of October 1999, Belgium had invested in 307 projects in China with a contracted value of US$688 million and an actual investment of US$320 million.

Most of the investment is in high-technology producing enterprises. Shanghai Bell Telephone Co and Xi'an-Janssen Pharmaceutical Ltd are among the most successful ventures.

Zhu also met Herman De Croo, president of Belgian Chamber of Representatives Monday afternoon after attending a welcoming luncheon hosted by Belgian Prince Philip.

Zhu arrived in Belgium on Sunday afternoon after visiting Bulgaria, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Italy.

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