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Chinese Defense Minister Meets Thai Guests

Defense Minister Chi Haotian met with Thira Haocharoen, navy commander-in-chief of Thailand on July 3.

Chi, also vice chairman of the Central Military Commission and a state councilor, said that China and Thailand have made great contribution to the regional peace, stability and development since the two countries forged diplomatic ties 25 years ago.

With joint efforts, he said, the cooperation between the two armed forces and defense departments have developed smoothly.

Chi expressed his appreciation for the efforts of the Thai government in the development of Sino-Thai relations, saying he is ready to work with the Thai friends to push forward the friendly and cooperative ties to the 21st century.

He said the Taiwan issue becomes ever more urgent after the return of Hong Kong and Macao to the motherland, and the key to resolving the issue is that the Taiwan authorities should abide by the One-China principle. But the Taiwan authorities has taken an evasive and vague attitude in this regard.

"We should listen to their words and watch their deeds," Chi said. "The Chinese government sticks to the principle of 'peaceful reunification, and one country, two systems", but it will not renounce the use of force."

Thira said that Thailand and China have enjoyed long-term friendship, and that the frequent exchanges of visits between senior officers of the two countries have consolidated the relationship between the two armed forces. He expressed the willingness to further Sino-Thai relations in all fields.

Shi Yunsheng, commander of the People's Liberation Army Navy, attended the meeting. The Thai guests are here at the invitation of Shi.

(People’s Daily)

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