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Daily News 2010-11-25

A young man holding a banner that reads 'Not for the People' can regularly be seen outside government offices in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province. The message is directed at the local labor security authority.

A young man holding a banner that reads "Not for the People" can regularly be seen outside government offices in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province. The message is directed at the local labor security authority.
Government 'Not for the People' 给力:“不为人民服务”锦旗
A young man holding a banner that reads "Not for the People" can regularly be seen outside government offices in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, the Modern Express reports. The message is directed at the local labor security authority. Zhou Li brought 14 lawsuits against a former employer claiming unpaid overtime compensation, and reported the matter to the authority. Dissatisfied with their lack of action, Zhou decided to embarrass the authority by demonstrating. 《现代快报》消息,近日在江苏省无锡市政府办公室外面,常常可以看见一位小伙子举着一幅“不为人民服务”的锦旗。锦旗是给当地劳动保障部门的。周力和前东家打了14场官司要求获得加班费酬劳,也向当地劳保部门举报过,但是问题并没有解决。对劳保部门的不作为深感失望,周力想借此让他们感到难堪。
Scientific literacy rare in China 国人科学素养待提高
Only 3.27 percent of Mainland Chinese are scientifically literate, according to a report published Thursday by the China Association for Science and Technology, China News Service reports. China is 20 years behind developed countries like Japan and Canada in this respect, the report claims. To qualify as scientifically literate, people had to demonstrate understanding of basic scientific concepts and processes, mastery of basic scientific methods, and esteem for the scientific spirit. The report says that, while 14.67 percent of Chinese people understand scientific concepts, 9.75 percent know basic methods, and 64.94 percent value science, very few had all three attributes. Basic scientific literacy of urban workers and farmers rose from 2.37 percent and 0.72 percent in 2005 to 4.79 percent and 1.51 percent in 2010, respectively. 中新社消息,中国科学技术协会25日发布的一项报告称,中国大陆公民中仅有3.27%具备基本科学素养,这跟日本﹑加拿大等发达国家相比落后将近20年。只有同时了解必要的科学知识、掌握基本的科学方法、崇尚科学精神才算是具备基本科学素养。该报告显示,14.67%的大陆公民了解必要的科学知识,9.75%的掌握基本科学方法,64.94%的崇尚科学精神,但兼具三者的则少之又少。与此同时,中国城镇劳动者和农民具备基本科学素养的比例分别从2005年的2.37%、0.72%提高到2010年的4.79%和1.51%。
Yuan dynasty porcelain unearthed 鲁出土元代青花瓶价值过亿
A blue and white porcelain discovered in an ancient sunken ship in Heze, Shandong Province is worth more than 100 million yuan, the Shandong Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology announced on Nov. 23. Unearthed at a building site, the ship belongs to the Yuan dynasty. Represented by Jingdezhen, blue and white porcelains from Yuan dynasty were made exquisitely and are rarely seen nowadays. Some 110 antiques have been discovered in and around the ship, the Shandong Business Daily reported. 《山东商报》消息,山东省文物考古研究所11月23日称,在该省菏泽市一艘古代沉船里发现的一个青花瓷瓶价值过亿。这艘元代的沉船是在一处建筑工地上被发现的。元青花瓷以景德镇为代表,其制作精美而传世极少。随船出土的珍稀文物有110件。
Airports plan link with railways 机场筹划空铁联运
At least 32 airports in China are planning to combine air transportation with high-speed railway transportation, the Beijing News reports. The main obstacles are re-planning routes and additional investments required. Beijing Capital International Airport, Tianjin Binhai International Airport and Shijiazhuang Zhengding International Airport have already been linked to high-speed railways. 据《新京报》报道,全国至少32家机场正在筹划空铁联运。目前遇到的主要障碍就是空铁联运导致的线路重新规划和额外投资。据悉,北京首都国际机场﹑天津滨海国际机场以及石家庄正定国际机场已与高铁相衔接。
Woman mistaken for bear shot dead 村民误将农妇当熊打死
A 55-year-old woman, Yue Junlun from Nanjiang County, Sichuan Province, was shot dead on November 17 by villager Wu Huailiang who mistook her for a black bear, the Chengdu Economic Daily reports. Wu was picking herbs in the mountains and carrying a homemade hunting rifle for protection. He mistook the figure of the woman in the distance for a bear, and pulled the trigger. 据《成都商报》报道,11月17日,四川南江县55岁农妇岳俊伦被村民吴怀亮误认为是黑熊射杀。吴怀亮当日上山采草药,并携带自制猎枪防身,山中他误以为远处的影子是黑熊,于是扣了扳机。

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- Daily News 2010-11-24
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