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Daily News 2010-09-25
The newly built Beichuan County was turned over to the local authority this morning by the construction-assisting party from Shandong. About 1.22 million square meters of relocated houses were built, and the per capita green area reached 16 square meters, which means each resident can get to a public green area within five minutes. [Chengdu Evening News]
The newly built Beichuan County was turned over to the local authority this morning by the construction-assisting party from Shandong. About 1.22 million square meters of relocated houses were built, and the per capita green area reached 16 square meters, which means each resident can get to a public green area within five minutes. [Chengdu Evening News]
Introducing: Beichuan County 北川新城今日移交
The newly built Beichuan County was turned over to the local authority this morning by the construction-assisting party from Shandong, the Chengdu Evening News reported. About 1.22 million square meters of relocated houses were built, and the per capita green area reached 16 square meters, which means each resident can get to a public green area within five minutes. A large amount of money will be invested to expand the size of the county, improve its service facilities and promote the urbanization and industrialization of the county and its neighboring areas. It is said that the whole budget for the new county was about 15.37 billion yuan. 据《成都晚报》报道,今天上午,建成后的北川新县城由山东援建方整体移交给北川。新县城共建设安居房122万平方米,人均绿地面积达到了16平方米,即平均每个居民能在5分钟之内到达一处公共绿地。在新县城建成后,政府还将继续投入资金以扩大城市规模、完善服务功能、促进县域和周边地区城镇化和工业化。据了解,北川新县城总体预算为153.7亿元。
Chinese skipper back home 中国船长安全回国
The Chinese trawler captain Zhan Qixiong arrived safely in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, early Saturday morning by a chartered plane, Xinhua reported. His wife and son met him at the airport. Zhan and his crew were detained by Japan on Sept. 8 after his trawler collided with two Japan Coast Guard patrol ships in waters off the Diaoyu Islands. The Chinese Foreign Ministry said in a statement after the captain's return that the Chinese government expressed "strong protest" against Japan, whose detention, investigation or any form of judiciary measures for the Chinese trawler and fishermen are unlawful and invalid. China asked Japan to apologize and provide compensation for the incident. 据新华社报道,中国渔船船长詹其雄于周六凌晨乘包机安全抵达福建省福州市。他的妻子和儿子到机场迎接。詹其雄的渔船与日本两艘海上保安巡逻船在钓鱼岛附近的水域相撞,之后,他同其他船员于9月8日被日方非法扣留。詹其雄回国后,中国外交部发表声明,对日方表示“强烈抗议”,指出日方对中国渔民渔船的扣押、调查以及任何形式的司法举措都是非法和无效的。中方还要求日方对此事件做出道歉和赔偿。
Car rental industry set to rise 联想高盛角力租车业
Legend Holdings purchased China Auto Rental with 1.2 billion yuan on Sept. 15, 20 days after Goldman Sachs Group bought US$70 million in equity of eHi Car Service, which had previously obtained a credit extension and bond financing from several banks, the Southern Metropolis Daily reported. Insiders predicted that cars of both China Auto Rental and eHi Car Service will surpass 10,000 in 2011, and China's car rental industry will embark on a new age. 据《南方都市报》报道,9月15日,联想控股以12亿元人民币收购神州租车。而20天前,上海一嗨租车获得以高盛为首的投资者7000万美元的股权融资,以及国内多家银行的授信和债券融资。业界预计,到2011年,两家公司的汽车规模都将超过1万辆,国内租车业将进入一个全新时期。
Rapist dad jailed for 14,400 years 男子强奸女儿获刑14400年
A Filipino father has been sentenced to 14,400 years in prison for raping his teenage daughter almost every night for more than a year, a court said Friday after throwing out an appeal against his conviction, AFP reported. The man, a tricycle driver, began raping his then 13-year-old daughter at home after his wife left to work in Hong Kong in January 2001. The nearly nightly abuse went on for 386 days. 据法新社报道,菲律宾法院周五表示,一父亲因连续强奸其幼女长达一年多,而被判处入狱14400年,此前,法院驳回了此男子的上诉。该男子是一个三轮车车夫,其妻于2001年1月离家去香港工作以后,便开始在家中强奸当时只有13岁的女儿。他几乎每晚都实施强暴,一直持续了386天。
Men don't notice women in heels 男人不会注意女人高跟鞋
Women sacrificing comfort to wear high heels could be wasting their time because men do not even notice, a new study claims, the Daily Telegraph reported. Experts at Northumbria University are studying the reactions of men to women walking while wearing high heels and others without heels. Experts say research has shown that men cannot even tell if a woman is wearing high heels when they walk. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,那些无视舒适度而穿高跟鞋的女性,你们白费功夫了,因为最新研究发现,男人压根就不会注意女人的高跟鞋。英国诺森比亚大学研究人员调查了男性对穿高跟鞋走路的女性和不穿高跟鞋走路的女性的反应情况,结果却发现,男性根本就记不住行走中的女性是否穿了高跟鞋。
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- Daily News 2010-09-24
- Daily News 2010-09-20
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- Daily News 2010-09-18
- Daily News 2010-09-16
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