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库存下降 多个省份电煤告急
Many provinces declare power coal emergency


据《第一财经日报》报道,中国国家电网公司的数据显示,中国多个省市电煤告急,部分城市已经开始拉闸限电。 According to China Business News, State Grid Corporation of China reports show many Chinese provinces have declared power coal emergency and some already have limited power usage. 
截至去年1228日,国家电网全网电煤库存894万吨,存煤天数为10天。这两天的大雪恶劣天气影响了来煤情况,尽管没有明确统计,但电煤库存肯定在下降。国家电监会华中电监局的一位官员昨天在接受《第一财经日报》采访时如是表示。 Since Dec. 28, the national power coal stockpiles totaled 8.94 million tons, enough for 10 days of electricity generation. “Although there is no accurate figure, power plants are seeing their coal stockpiles dwindling because of heavy snow and bad weather in these days,” said an official from Central China Electricity Regulatory Bureau.

According to SGCC, as of Dec. 29, the inventory of power coal in Jiangxi Province is just over 1 million tons, far below the normal level of 1.6 million tons. The power coal consumption of the province per day is between 80,000 tons and 90,000 tons, so at present the coal stockpiles can only be used for about 11 days.

由于负荷需求持续高位运行,华北电网电厂耗煤量保持在较高水平,京津唐电网电煤库存整体呈下降趋势。 Because of the high demand for electricity, the consumption of North China Power Grid’s power plants have remained at a high level, causing the coal stockpiles of the Beijing-Tianjing-Tangshan networks to decline.


Central China


The acute shortage of power coal in Hubei Province has already lasted for almost a month. Since Dec. 11, Hubei had imposed power brownouts across the whole province. The deputy chief engineer of Hubei Electric Power said considering the weather, economic upturn and other factors, the power supply for the first quarter of 2010 will still be in short condition.

从去年1228日起,武汉近2000家工厂开始轮流停产让电,以保市民生活用电。湖北省经信委的统计显示,目前荆门、汉川、襄樊等地电厂因缺煤,已停止发电。至1228,湖北全省3620万千瓦及以上机组中,有11台机组已经停机。 Since Dec. 28, almost 2,000 factories in Wuhan have stopped production to save electricity and ensure electricity for citizens. According to data from the Hubei Economics and Information Committee, power plants in Jinmen, Hanchuan and Xiangfan have stopped production because of the coal shortage. Moreover, 11 of the province’s 36 power plants, each with 200,000-kilowatt capacities, have been suspended.

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