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Internet games cause 20 percent divorce rate

北京海淀法院近日透露,过去两年里,在“80后”一代的离婚案中,20%与沉迷网游有关。 About 20 percent of the divorce cases of the post-80s generation in the last two years have been caused by overindulgence in internet games, the People's Court of Haidian District revealed recently.


The conclusion was made by a court investigation of over 100 post-80s divorce lawsuits in the past couple of years.
海淀法院法官高庆称,婚姻里有网游癖好的一方,很少过问家务事,一些人还丢掉了工作。夫妻中男方因为上网而忽略家庭关系,使得在传统婚姻关系中男性作为经济支柱的责任完全被颠覆。 According to Judge Gao Qing, the spouse who overindulged in the games seldom did housework, and some of them even lost jobs. The addiction to gaming led many husbands to ignore family relations and undermined their roles as the family breadwinner.


The Beijing News reported that gaming habits were often shaped before marriage, and open knowledge of them did not affect relations before tying the knot.
调研还指出,80后的婚后矛盾出现在处理家务能力差、家庭责任感弱等方面。草率结婚、不懂何为真爱,法院不得不谨慎处理他们的离婚案件。 The investigation also concluded that people of the post-80s generation are usually incapable of doing housework and do not have a strong sense of responsibility to family. They often marry rashly without knowing the meaning of true love, leading the court to treat their divorce lawsuits with caution.
高庆称,80后常因缺乏经验、过于自我,而不能妥善处理家庭关系。同时,还有一些因素让问题复杂化,比如怎样分割夫妻财产问题。 Gao said that the post-80s generations do not deal well with family relations because of lack of experience and too much egotism. This causes complicated problems, such as that of how to manage the split of finances between the couple, to emerge.


"Financially, they rely heavily on their parents. Many divorced couples had houses bought by their parents, so it becomes complex when dealing with how to split the assets," said Gao. The judge also added that many of them were still psychologically immature, divorcing due to their parents' wills.

The court plans to be increasingly conciliatory when facing post-80s generation divorce lawsuits, with emphasis on encouraging the seeking of psychological consultation before marriage.

(China.org.cn translated by Wu Jin)

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