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Taoists appoint first ever female abbot

武汉长春观住持吴诚真大师十五日正式升座为方丈。她,时年52岁,成为中国首位道教女方丈,这在两千五百余年的道教历史中也绝无仅有。 Wu Chengzhen, a 52-year-old native of Wuhan, became the first female abbot in the 2,500-year history of Taoism yesterday on November 15 when she was appointed head of the city's Changchun Taoist Temple, Chinanews reported.
长春观王姆殿首先举行了隆重的开光庆典。典礼吸引了千名道教人士,有远自埃及和法国的人士前来参加。 An inauguration ceremony, attended by more than 1000 Taoists from as far away as France and Egypt, was held in the Wangmu (Queen Mother of the Western Heavens) Hall of the Changchun temple.
在道教中,方丈的选拔也很严格,必须德高望重、戒行精严,受全体道众拥戴,始许选为方丈。 The selection of a Taoist abbot, the highest rank in the religion, is very strict and requires the candidates to practice self-discipline and maintain a good reputation.
吴诚真大师,湖北省道教协会会长,一九八四年在武汉市长春观出家。多年以来,吴诚真大师扶贫济困、修桥补路、帮孤助寡等方面做出了积极贡献。仅二000年至今,长春观向社会各界捐款近四百万元人民币。此外,她还广泛开展道教文化对外交流,曾多次率领武汉长春观道众出国考察,足迹遍及东南亚、欧洲各地。 Wu, who became a Taoist in 1984, is director of Hubei Taoist Association. She is well known for her charitable work and since 2000 has collected more than 4 million yuan (US$585, 859) for distribution to the poor and the building of public facilities. She has also visited Europe and Southeast Asia to promote cultural exchange.
一位来自武当山的道长对记者表示,吴诚真大师在广大道众和广大信众中享有较高德望,但是她总以微笑迎人,始终谦虚而坦然。 A fellow abbot from Wudang Mountain in Hubei Province said Wu is a very modest person who is very popular with the public.

Changchun Taoist Temple, located on Shuangfeng Mountain in Wuhan, is one of the most famous Taoist centers in China. It is believed a Taoist temple has existed on the site since the 3rd century BCE. The Temple is named after Qiu Chuji, a Yuan Dynasty (1271 -1368) Taoist who became known as the Immortal Changchun.

(China.org.cn translated by Wu Jin)

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