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Government Vows to Punish Officials Responsible for Coal Mine Explosions

The State Administration for Safe Production Supervision (SASPS) has said those officials responsible for last week's series coal mine explosions in Shanxi Province will be punished.

SASPS spokesman Huang Yi said Tuesday that investigation is being carry out into the gas explosions that killed 58 persons, with 14 others still missing.

To date, four people held directly liable for one of the explosions have been arrested.

Meanwhile, all small coal mines in Shanxi, a major coal production base in north China, have been ordered to stop production to undergo safety checks.

A circular issued by SASPS called on coal mines across the country to draw a lesson from the accidents in Shanxi and observe safety regulations strictly.

A work team has been sent to Shanxi Province to see if local governments have effectively implemented the central government's policy of closing small mines.

Official statistics show that 11,882 such mines were closed down in the first 10 months of this year.

The State Economic and Trade Commission has planned projects involving 540 million yuan (65 US$million) to improve safety in more than 80 key coal mines nationwide.

(Xinhua News Agency November 21, 2001)

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