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More Tibetan Herdsmen Shake off Poverty

The great efforts made by the central and local governments to eliminate poverty in the Tibet Autonomous Region have paid off.

Statistics show that the poverty-stricken population in the southwest China autonomous region has dropped to the current over 70,000 from 480,000 in the early 1990's.

The regional poverty relief officer said that the central and regional governments have invested 1.22 billion yuan (US$146.9 million) to launch 459 poverty relief projects in the past six years.

The projects included improving natural pastures, planting grass, building ditches, reservoirs and pumping stations, constructing highways and power stations.

At the same time, more than 2,000 local officials were sent to towns and villages to help the needy people get rid of poverty.

In the project area, 77 percent of school age children are now studying at schools and 85 percent of the local population have access to medical treatment.

Statistics show that more than 30 percent of local farmers and herdsmen have mastered one to two practical agricultural technologies after attending various training classes.

Last year, the grain output of 18 designated poor counties in the region rose by 60.4 percent over the previous, and the output of meat and milk by 60.5 percent and 33.3 percent, respectively.

(Xinhua 02/15/2001)

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