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China to Work out Policy for Caring AIDS Victims

China will work out a policy to extend care to AIDS victims based on the state of AIDS spreading and social customs as released from the conference of the National AIDS Care Seminar.

The World Health Organization proposed the concept to extend care to AIDS victims, their families and communities in 1990s.

At the seminar held by Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, experts and organizations domestic and foreign joined hands with the departments concerned in the provinces having more AIDS victims and discussed on how to establish a AIDS care network with more departments and organizations involved, calling on the whole society to contribute to the event.

Experts noted that the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention particularly set up treatment and care centers in January this year, putting forward a training program for medical personnel and the pilot curing and care program will also be kicked off in some cities and rural areas.

China has made a headway in caring AIDS victims and HIV carriers by conducting pilot care program in Sichuan and Yunnan provinces two years ago.

Last year China's AIDS victims registered three times that of the year before last. The HIV infected incurred through illegal selling and collecting of blood will come down with the illness in succession in recent years. Experts predict China's AIDS victims will increase dramatically in the years to come.

(People's Daily May 21, 2002)

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