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Scientists Study Greenhouse Gas Issue

Chinese scientists have continued to study ways to cut greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon dioxide that alter normal global climate norms and harm economic and social development.

The primary method they have uncovered is to cut the consumption of carbon-based fuel sources, such as coal and petroleum, Friday's China Daily quoted experts at a national forum in Shanghai Thursday.

According to the report, China's Foreign Ministry will work with the Ministry of Science and Technology and the State Development Planning Commission to exploit wind, solar energy and other clean and renewable power resources.

Climate changes can prompt disasters that threaten lives and alarm the world,the newspaper quoted Wang Jie, deputy director of the National Committee for the Funds of Natural Sciences.

Wang's committee views global warming study as a top concern for the coming years and will invest more to see such research through,said the China Daily report,which gave no dollar figure.

The United Nations implemented a Framework Convention on Climate Change in March 1994 to curb global warming.

China has worked to uphold its end of that international quest,Lu Xuedu,an official with the Ministry of Science and Technology, was quoted as saying.

An example he cited was the research between Chinese and Canadian scientists on ways to lower gas emissions and improve the air quality in the Chinese capital Beijing.

(eastday.com December 28, 2001)

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