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FM Spokeswoman Urges Proper Solution of JAL Issue

Chinese Foreign Ministry (FM) Spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue hopes that the Japan Airlines (JAL) issue concerning Chinese passengers would be solved properly as soon as possible.

She voiced the hope at a regular press conference when asked to confirm that JAL sent a letter to the foreign ministry spokesman recently on the lawsuit against JAL by scores of Chinese passengers taking JAL's JAL 782 flight. The passengers complained of inadequate accommodation and discriminative treatment by the airlines.

Recalling the foreign ministry spokesman's statement on February 22, Zhang said the spokesman expressed concern over JAL's unfair treatment of those Chinese passengers and hoped that JAL authorities will handle the issue without any delay, and in a serious and responsible manner.

She said that JAL sent a letter to the foreign ministry spokesman on February 27 saying that JAL respects and will act in accordance with Chinese foreign ministry on this issue and promised to make all-out efforts to do a good investigation without any delay. The results from the investigation will be published as they arise.

The JAL also said that it cherishes deep affections for the Chinese people and has great expectations towards the Chinese market, and Chinese passengers' criticisms and opinions will be the driving power for JAL to improve its services, quoted Zhang.

She pointed out that we attach importance to JAL's attitude, hoping that it will take concrete measures to properly solve this issue as soon as possible.

(People's Daily 03/02/2001)

Chinese Passengers Prepare to Sue Japan Airlines
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