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Hong Kong Again Named "Asia's Best City"

Hong Kong has been named "Asia's Best City" in the top US consumer travel magazine "Travel + Leisure" for the second consecutive year in its annual World's Best Awards readers' survey.

Clara Chong, executive director of the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB), said here Thursday the results of the reader poll was " most gratifying and encouraging."

"'Travel + Leisure' magazine has the largest circulation of any other travel publications, some five million readers monthly, and the results are testimony to Hong Kong's excellence in the eyes of some of the most affluent and sophisticated members of the traveling public," Chong said.

This year's winners were announced in the August 2001 issue. Hong Kong was voted the best city in Asia two years running and was the only city in Asia in the top 10 list.

Of Hong Kong sights, readers said there was always a new skyscraper to stare at, but with steep mountains and 23 country parks much of Hong Kong does not feel urban at all.

The City of Life also ranked No. 1 in the survey for shopping and presented very good value for money.

(People's Daily 08/10/2001)

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