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Expert Exposes Tricks of Falun Gong

An expert with the psychology institute under the Chinese Academy of Sciences unveiled the tricks Falun Gong employed to cheat practitioners.

Addressing a seminar at the on-going exhibition titling " Against Cults and For Civilization", researcher Wu Ruihua said that Falun Gong made use of people's psychological characteristics to seduce them.

Wu explained that in the course of the planned economic system turning into a market economic system in the country, a small number of people became psychologically imbalanced because of rapid changes.

by using such psychological characteristics, Falun Gong bewitched many people in the name of "truthfulness, goodness and endurance," isolated them from normal social circles and robbed them of their rights to learn and know other things, to serve its ulterior motive of controlling the practitioners spiritually, Wu said.

The reason that Li Hongzhi asked the practitioners to exercise in groups was actually to create an atmosphere to seduce and bewitch more people, he said.

Falun Gong requires that all followers believe in only Li Hongzhi and the Falun Gong cult, meaning that it has blocked all ways for practitioners to learn from society and has sent the practitioners into an environment full of fallacies, Wu said.

Wu pointed out that, under such conditions, people easily loose their sense and commit irrational acts such as suicide and self- immolation.

Wu said that Li Hongzhi stated that maintaining peace of mind is an important viewpoint for psychological and physical health, but this statement has nothing to do with Falun Gong.

(People's Daily 07/26/2001)

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