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Beijing Holds Exhibition to Expose Evil Cult

An exhibition, showing the bloodcurdling incidents caused by the Falun Gong cult opened Sunday morning in Beijing at the Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution.

Liu Yunshan, deputy head of the Publicity Department and director for the Cultural and Ideological Progress Office, said at the opening ceremony that the battle against Falun Gong is the battle between justice and evil, civilization and blindness, science and superstition.

He said the exhibition, which includes achievements of the socialist culture and ideology, will help to promote science and technology, and legal education.

The three-part exhibition details cases of Falun Gong practitioners' bitter experiences, their introduction to this international evil cult, and how other governments deal with them, and the Chinese government's steps against Falun Gong and its efforts to prevent the harmful situations that arise from people's involvement in the cult.

The exhibition was hosted by the Department of Publicity of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the Office for Cultural and Ideological Progress under the CPC Central Committee, the Ministry of Justice and the China Association for Science and Technology.

(Xinhua News Agency 07/16/2001)

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