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Sound and Light Fill in Holiday

School's out and it's time to have fun! It's chill-out time for students as the July holidays begin. If they now find themselves at a loss about how to spend their time, they should check out the "Sciencealive" exhibition.

Jointly organized by the British Consulate General in Guangzhou and the local education department, "Sciencealive" begins this Saturday (July 14) and runs until July 22 in the city's Times Square.

It promises an enjoyable opportunity for young visitors to understand how sound and light work.

"Children find science very challenging. If the learning process is not communicative with life, it will be dull and hard in the way of memorizing rules and formulas," said Justin Gilbert, counselor of culture and education. But in "Sciencealive," children will find science fun and interesting as they are given the opportunity for some hands-on experimentation.

London Museum of Science has been studying teaching innovations and has provided the interactive facilities here to bring children closer to science.

How can light turn into sound? By taking a paddle and breaking light beams, one discovers different beams create different sounds via a gadget called "Digitizing Sound." The Design Council in the UK presented a Millennium Product Award for this cutting-edge technology.

In the section called Air Cannon, students can feel sound waves by patting a drum and seeing ribbons waving beside it. The DIY section will teach children to turn a drinking straw into a flute.

"Science drama" has now become a very popular form of science education in the UK, particularly among children in schools or at Science and Technology Festivals. In "Sciencealive," a science drama called "Push Off" will give children knowledge about gravity.

Katherine Shaw and Alastair Daniel, who will perform the drama, have rich experience in science education. Their show not only helps children understand scientific knowledge, but also arouses their interest in science.

In addition, the exhibition will have a special computer activity on scientific knowledge. Visitors can also take part in the science quiz and regular lucky draws.

(China Daily 07/12/2001)

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