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Further Cooperation Expected with UN in Human Rights

The Chinese government will cooperate with the Office of United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and Monday's signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on programs of technical cooperation in human rights represents a good starting point for further cooperation between the two sides.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Sun Yuxi made the remarks in response to a relevant question at Tuesday's press briefing.

Sun said China expects to cooperate with the UN agency on the basis of "mutual respect" and "equal consultation", and China will push forward such cooperation in accordance with its own situation as well as in accordance with the contents of the MOU.

According to the MOU, the UN agency will provide consulting services and technical assistance to China at the request of the Chinese government.

Under the MOU, China and the UN agency will carry out cooperative projects in the coming two years in the areas of judicial administration, human rights education, legal affairs, the right of development and economic, social and cultural rights.

Sun told journalists that the visiting UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson also described the signing of the MOU as "another significant move following China's signing of the two international human rights covenants."

China hopes the two sides will implement the MOU step by step and on the basis of equal consultation, Sun said.

(Xinhua 11/22/2000)

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