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Official Calls for All-Out Effort to Ensure Stability

A senior Chinese official has called for all-out efforts to safeguard the stability of the country so as to make fresh contribution to the opening of the forthcoming 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the nation's reform and opening-up drive.

Wei Jianxing, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau and member of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, made this call Wednesday at the closing of a national working conference on law enforcement.

In his speech, Wei endorsed the achievements made in the field this year, said law enforcement departments across the country have played their role in guarding against and cracking down on hostile factors, ethnic separatist activities and cult organizations like Falun Gong.

A large number of criminals have been punished in the ongoing "Strike Hard" campaign nationwide, according to Wei.

He said top priority should be given to the issue and greater efforts are needed to fight the hostile forces under the new circumstances.

He called for tough strikes against terrorists, religious fundamentalists, ethnic separatists and the Falun Gong cult. Their various plots must be stopped, he added.

He urged Party committees, governments and law enforcement departments to study the issues carefully and strive to create a sound legal environment in China.

(People's Daily December 6, 2001)

China to Strike Hard Against Hostile Forces
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