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China's Social Security System Making Progress

China's social security system, which has experienced sound progress in recent years, has played a vital role in the country's reform and development.

According to a meeting on social insurance held Sunday in Dalian, a coastal city in northeast China's Liaoning Province, 95 percent of the 23 million workers laid off from state-owned enterprises nationwide were guaranteed basic living allowances over the past three years.

At the same time, 15 million of them were got re-employed. Last year, 99.3 percent of the 30 million retired workers received their pensions on time.

Officials attending the meeting, which was jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security and the State Administration of Taxation, agreed that social security is an endeavor of great significance which requires the most diligent efforts to ensure the further development and better management of social insurance.

Statistics show that by the end of June this year, the number of employees taking pension insurance and unemployment insurance policies reached 105.9 million and 102.5 million, respectively.

The meeting also called for renovation of the medical security system, improvement of the social insurance system and a solution to unemployment.

(Xinhua News Agency 09/24/2001)

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