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White Paper on Modernization in Tibet Wins Support

People of all walks of life in Tibet highly praised the white paper entitled "Tibet's March Toward Modernization" issued recently by the Information Office of the State Council.

Lobsang Toinzhub, vice-chairman of the Tibet Autonomous Region, said in a televised speech, "The white paper illustrates the tremendous achievements Tibet has scored in modernization drive since the region's peaceful liberation 50 years ago. It greatly inspired people of all ethnic groups in Tibet. I gave hearty support to it on behalf of the regional government and 2.62 million Tibetan residents."

Wang Mingxing, deputy secretary of the Leading Party Members Group of the Regional Cultural Department, said, the white paper systematically summed up the course of modernization drive traversed by Tibet, displayed the great achievements Tibet has made under the leadership of the Party Central Committee and support from all parts of China, brought to light the law of development on modernization in Tibet and exposed Dalai Group's attempt to undermine the modernization drive in Tibet.

The white paper is a historical document and a teaching material on patriotism, socialism, national unity and revolutionary tradition, he added.

Cering Banjor, a deputy research fellow of the China Tibet Academy of Social Sciences, said, "What impressed most on my mind is that the unique ethnic feature of Tibet and its traditional culture have been respected, protected and carried forward. Tibetan people represent the mainstay of its culture."

(People's Daily November 15, 2001)

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