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New Members Elected for 2nd Legislative Assembly of Macao

Ten out of 96 candidates who ran for direct election - chosen specifically by the voting public - have been listed as members of the 2nd Legislative Assembly (LA) of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR), according to the latest official sources.

Ten other candidates will also become members through indirect election-chosen by officials, who were voted for by the public.

The Public Administration and Civil Services announced that those who have been directly elected come from six social groups, including the Association for New Democratic Macao, the Development Union and the Promoting Union for Progress.

The Association for New Democratic Macao, led by Ng Kuok Cheong, was elected at the head of the poll, obtaining 16,960 votes.

The other 10 candidates who stood for indirect election will all become new LA members, on behalf of employers, employees, professionals and welfare, culture, education and sports, including President of the 1st LA Susana Chou.

In accordance with the Basic Law, the 2nd LA shall be composed of 27 seats, including 10 from direct election, 10 from indirect election and seven appointed by the SAR's chief executive.

Sunday's voting and vote-counting work were described as intense but orderly.

According to statistics, a total of 83,600 people, or nearly one fifth of the SAR's population, joined in the direct election, while more than 2,200 Macao residents cast their votes in the indirect election.

This was the first LA election since Macao returned to the motherland at the end of 1999.

The election reflects the further implementation of the basic principles of "one country, two systems", "Macao people governing Macao" and a high degree of autonomy in the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR), Chief Executive Edmund Ho Hau Wah noted on Sunday.

In a public statement, Ho described the first LA election after Macao's return to the motherland as a significant political event.

The chief executive expressed his congratulations to the 20 newly elected LA members, expecting them to make contributions to the happiness of local residents, and the stability and development of Macao.

He noted that the SAR government will keep sound exchanges and co-operation with the new LA to strive for Macao's development and progress.

(China Daily 09/25/2001)

Macao Elects New Assembly
"Macao People Governing Macao" in Practice
"Macao People Governing Macao" in Practice
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