CPPCC Chairman Meets Singaporean President

Li Ruihuan, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, stressed that China sincerely loves peace and a strong China will be a force for safeguarding world peace and stability.

Li made the remark here Friday in a meeting with visiting Singaporean President S.R. Nathan, who is here on a state visit to China.

Touching upon the international situation, Li said that the Chinese people suffered gravely from wars in the past century and more, so, they strongly yearn for peace.

China needs peace very much, said Li, adding that China's modernization demands Chinese people's concentration, exchanges with all countries, learning from advanced foreign expertise and an international environment with lasting peace and friendship.

Any peace-breaking action will seriously harm the fundamental interests of the people all over the world including the Chinese people, stressed Li. China is dedicated to safeguarding peace, he added.

Li quoted the Chinese sayings "peace is the best option" and " Don't do what you would not like others to do to you," and said China will never impose sufferings it experienced on others and China will never pursue hegemonism.

Calling Nathan an old friend of the Chinese people, Li praised him for his attention to the continuous development of bilateral relations.

Li recalled his visit to Singapore in 1995, saying the country' s friendly people, beautiful scenery, and advanced management expertise impressed him deeply, the fine combination between traditional and modern cultures, and between eastern and western cultures in particular.

He noted that China and Singapore have historical relations and their relationship has been very good.

There have been constant high-level contacts and increasing exchanges between the two sides, with which the Chinese government and people are satisfied, added Li.

Nathan conveyed Singaporean Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong's and Senior Minister in the Prime Minister's Office Lee Kuan Yew's greetings to Li and invited Li to visit Singapore.

Li expressed his appreciation.

Nathan recalled his first visit to China in 1976, and expressed his admiration for the changes that have taken place in China since then.

Referring to China's great efforts to improve its people's lives and the remarkable achievements in its reform and opening-up in the past 20-plus years, Nathan said that the progress has not only been in the material field, but also in the intellectual field like the legal system.

Pointing out that China, an influential country in the world, has found a development path suited to its own conditions, Nathan wished China greater success in various fields.

He said that his country attaches great importance to its relations with China, and it will further strengthen all-round cooperation with China.

Nathan expressed congratulations on Beijing's successful bid to host the 2008 Olympic Games, believing that China will make it a success.

(Xinhua News Agency 09/15/2001)

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