Foreign Ministry Gives Views on Nepal and Other Issues

FM spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue held a regular conference Thursday in Beijing and stated China's stance on issues like Dalai's Portugal visit, situation in Nepal and expansion of anti-Terrorism war.

China is deeply dissatisfied with and firmly opposes the Dalai Lama's visit to Portugal, Zhang Qiyue said.

Zhang noted that China has made repeated solemn representations with Portugal on this issue, while the Portuguese side insisted on inviting Dalai to visit the country and arranged meetings between the Dalai Lama and the Portuguese President and some high-level government officials.

She voiced the hope that Portugal would, taking into consideration the general situation of bilateral relations, pay attention to China's concern over this issue and take effective measures to prevent similar situations from occurring so as to ensure a sound and steady development of Sino-Portuguese friendship and cooperation.

She pointed out that the Dalai Lama is not simply a religious personage, but rather a politician in exile disguised as a religious figure engaging in activities meant to split China and damage national unity.

China is opposed to the Dalai's political activities in any capacity and in any country or region aimed at splitting China and damaging national unity, Zhang stated.

China is also opposed to all forms of invitations to and meetings with the Dalai from government officials of any country or region, Zhang added.

Opposing Wanton Expansion of Anti-Terrorism War

China is opposed to "wanton expansion" of the war against terrorists to other countries, Zhang said.

Zhang made the remark when questioned at the press conference on the possibility that the United States may extend the anti-terrorism war to Iraq.

"We have noticed relevant news on it," the spokeswoman said, reiterating that China supports the crackdown upon terrorist acts of all forms, but maintains that such strikes must conform to the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter and the international law, and be based on hard evidence.

"We are opposed to wanton expansion of the strikes," she said.

Hoping to See a Stable Nepal

China is following closely the latest developments in Nepal and hopes to see peace, stability and development in the country, the spokeswoman said.

Zhang said that the Chinese side has known that the King and government of Nepal have taken effective emergency measures and the situation there is under control of the Nepalese government.

She pointed out that the Chinese government resolutely supports all moves taken by the Nepalese King and government to restore peace and stability in the country.

"We hope and believe that Nepal will be able to continue to maintain peace, stability and development," Zhang noted.

China Sends Message for Solidarity with Palestinian People

China calls on all peace-loving forces in the world to provide more assistance to the Palestinian people, and urges all parties concerned to return to the negotiation table for an early peaceful solution to the Middle East question.

Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji sent this message to a United Nations conference marking the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People scheduled for Thursday, said Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue at the press conference.

Zhang said the message reiterated China's principled stand on the Palestinian issue, and expressed sympathy for the current difficulties faced by the Palestinian people.

(People�s Daily November 30, 2001)

In This Series

Peace Talks Between Israel,Palestine Urged

Principles Crucial in war on Terrorism

Nepal to Put Terrorists into Life Imprisonment

China Urges End of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

China Indignant at Dalai Lama's Speech at EP

Dalai's 'Virtual Tibet' Not True



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