Premier Expresses Condolences on Death of Nepalese King

Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji went to the Nepalese Embassy in Beijing Monday to express condolences on the death of the late Nepalese King Birendra and Queen Aishwarya.

Chinese President Jiang Zemin and Zhu sent wreaths.

Zhu wrote in the condolence book: "The Chinese people will always remember the great contributions King Birendra made for the establishment of the good-neighborly partnership that China and Nepal will cherish from generation to generation. King Birendra and Queen Aishwarya will always live in the hearts of the Chinese people."

Zhu told Charge d'Affaires of the Nepalese Embassy Mana B. Bisht that although King Birendra has passed away, the good- neighborly partnership he and the Chinese leaders jointly established will continue to grow.

Noting that the Chinese people would like to share the grief of the Nepalese people, he said China hopes and believes that Nepal will retain social and political stability, develop its economy and steadily improve the living standard of the people.

Zhu also asked that the Chinese leaders' greetings be conveyed to the new king of Nepal.

Bisht thanked Zhu, saying that when the Nepalese people are in deep pain the Chinese government and people offer them great sympathy and support, which gives full play to the Nepal-China traditional friendly ties of cooperation.

He said he was convinced that the bilateral friendly relations would continue to be promoted in the future.

Accompanying Zhu to the Nepalese Embassy were Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan and other senior Chinese officials.

(Xinhua 06/04/2001)

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