DPRK Top Leader Visits China

Kim Jong Il, general-secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) Central Committee and Chairman of the National Defense Commission, paid an unofficial visit to China from January 15 to 20.

Kim made the visit at the invitation of Jiang Zemin, general-secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Chinese President, a spokesman with the International Department of CPC Central Committee announced in Beijing Saturday.

During Kim's China tour, Jiang held talks with Kim at the Great Hall of the People and hosted a welcome banquet in honor of Kim.

Prior to the talks, Kim had a four-day tour of Shanghai.

Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji met with Kim in Shanghai. Zhu, who is also a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee, accompanied Kim to visit the Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center, Shanghai GM Automotive Co., and Shanghai Huahong NEC Electronic Co.

Huang Ju, secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of CPC, briefed the guests from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on Shanghai's reform and opening-up drive, and accompanied Kim and other DPRK guests to visit the Pudong New District, Shanghai Bell Co., Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shanghai Baosteel, Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park and Sunqiao Modern Agricultural Development Zone.

According to the spokesman, Chinese and DPRK leaders each briefed the other side on their domestic situation in a cordial and friendly atmosphere, and exchanged views on the further development of bilateral relations, as well as major international issues of common interest.

The two sides held that the tradition of mutual contacts between the party and state leaders of the two countries should be maintained.

Jiang spoke highly of Kim's visit, which was made at the beginning of the new century, saying that it is an important event in the party-to-party and state-to-state relations between China and DPRK.

Kim was pleased to meet with Jiang and other Chinese party and state leaders after an interval of seven months and personally see the development of Shanghai.

Both sides held that all relevant departments of the two countries have made active efforts to implement the consensus reached by Jiang and Kim during Kim's previous China tour in last May.

They decided to make greater efforts to consolidate, develop and deepen the traditional friendship initiated and nurtured by Chinese and DPRK leaders of the old generations, and push the bilateral friendly and cooperative relations up to a new level, for such a relationship conforms to the common aspiration and fundamental interests of the two countries and is conducive to peace, stability and prosperity in the region and the world as a whole.

Jiang was delightful to see the substantial progress and new achievements made by the people of DPRK in economic development, national reunification and foreign affairs under the leadership of WPK headed by Kim Jong Il. Jiang Zemin wished that the WPK and the people of DPRK will accomplish new and greater achievements in all fields in the new century.

Kim stressed that the big changes that have taken place in China, and Shanghai in particular, since China began the reform and opening-up drive, proved that the policies of reform and opening-up adopted by CPC are correct.

He expressed the belief that the Chinese people will definitely score new achievements in realizing the targets set in the country 's tenth Five-Year Plan (2001-2005), advancing the socialist modernization drive and rejuvenating China under the leadership of CPC with Jiang at the core.

Jiang pointed out that China, as a close neighbor of the Korean Peninsula, has always contributed to the maintenance of peace and stability in the peninsula.

China will continue to support the active efforts made by the north and the south of the peninsula to improve relations for the eventual realization of peaceful reunification, and welcome and support DPRK to improve and normalize relations with other countries. Kim, in response, expressed his gratitude for all this.

Kim reiterated that the WPK and the DPRK government will consistently support China's stance on the Taiwan issue and he wished China will realize its own reunification.

Kim invited Jiang to visit DPRK at his convenience. Jiang accepted the invitation with pleasure.

Kim was satisfied with the results of his China tour and he extended sincere gratitude to the Chinese side for its warm reception and hospitality.

(Xinhua 01/20/2001)

In This Series

Top DPRK Leader Meets Chinese Defense Minister

Betterment of DPRK-US Ties Welcomed

Chinese Military Delegation Leaves for DPRK

Ties With DPRK to Develop Further

China's CPPCC Delegation Ends Visit to DPRK

CPPCC Delegation Leaves for DPRK



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