Jiang's Myanmar Visit Successful: Chinese FM

China's Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan said that President Jiang Zemin's four-day state visit to Myanmar is "successful."

Tang briefed Chinese journalists on the results of President Jiang visit here Saturday just before leaving here for home.

Tang noted that this visit is an important event in the history of China-Myanmar bilateral relations and is of significance for pushing forward the overall development of the bilateral good-neighborly friendship and cooperation in the new century.

It has helped enhance understandings, friendship and cooperation between the two countries, noted Tang.

It will also exert positive impact on the cooperation between China and members of the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), as well as on the region's peace and development, added Tang.

He went on to say that during the visit, President Jiang held talks with Than Shwe, chairman of the State Peace and Development council of Myanmar, and met with other leaders of the country.

They exchanged views on bilateral relations and issues of common concern and reached wide-ranging consensus.

Jiang spoke highly of the development of bilateral relations, saying the China-Myanmar friendship is based on the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and was cultivated by leaders of older generations, Tang said at the briefing.

Jiang Zemin stressed that the enhancement of long-term bilateral friendship and cooperation is not only in the fundamental interest of the two peoples, but also conducive to regional peace and stability, Tang continued.

Jiang noted that China is ready to make concerted efforts to ensure that the two countries remain good neighbors and partners forever, said Tang.

Myanmar leaders agreed with Jiang and said that Myanmar attaches importance to the development of its relations with China and will further its overall cooperation with China, said Tang.

They believe that bilateral "pawkphaw" (fraternal) friendship will be carried forward from generation to generation, the Chinese Foreign Minister went on.

He also said that Myanmar leaders reiterated that Myanmar will continue to follow a "one China" policy as it has always done.

Tang cited that leaders of the two countries voiced their satisfaction with the positive progress of bilateral economic and trade cooperation in recent years, and believed that the bilateral cooperation between the two countries has a broad prospect.

Both sides agreed to further expand their cooperation, especially in agriculture, human and natural resources development, and infrastructural constructions, stated Tang.

Tang also talked about the cooperative documents signed between the two sides, saying that the documents will play a positive role in the development of bilateral relations and cooperation in the future.

Leaders of the two countries spoke highly of the progress that has been made in each other's country, noted Tang.

Jiang pointed out that every country is entitled to choosing its own development path suited to its own conditions and the Chinese government will, as always, support Myanmar's efforts to safeguard social stability and promote economic development, according to Tang.

Jiang also praised Myanmar's achievements in protecting its Buddhist relics, noted Tang.

Tang said that Myanmar leaders hope and believe that China will play a more important role in safeguarding international and regional peace and development.

On regional situations, Jiang stated that China and the ASEAN countries have maintained good relations, and China supports ASEAN's integration and will continue to strengthen relations with these countries, noted Tang.

Tang said that Myanmar leaders stressed that Myanmar will spare no efforts to support the further development of relations between China and the ASEAN.

Leaders from both sides agreed that they will strengthen coordination and support in international and regional affairs, Tang noted.

Jiang Zemin started his four-day official visit to Myanmar on Wednesday as guest of Than Shwe.

(Xinhua News Agency December 16, 2001)

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