Chinese, Swiss Leaders Hail Bilateral Ties

President Jiang Zemin and the president of the Swiss Federal Council, Adolf Ogi, on Tuesday exchanged congratulations on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties.

Jiang, in a message to Ogi, extended his "heartfelt congratulations and best wishes" to Ogi and the Swiss people.

"I am delighted that, in the 50 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties, good cooperative relations have enjoyed all-round development," Jiang said. "Cooperation has been expanded and fruitful; mutual understanding between the two peoples has been strengthened."

He said the two countries have no fundamental conflict of interests and share many common interests in safeguarding world peace and promoting common development. "Enhancing mutually beneficial cooperation is not only in the interests of the two peoples, but also conducive to world peace and development," added the Chinese president.

China would like to join hands with Switzerland in the new century to push forward bilateral cooperative relations on the basis of mutual respect, mutual benefit and equality, Jiang said.

Ogi said in a message to Jiang that in the five decades, bilateral relations have witnessed remarkable development, which has laid a solid foundation for their further development in the new century.

He said China is playing an increasingly important role in the world and has achieved enormous development. "I would like to take this opportunity to express my best wishes to you. May China prosper and the friendship between the two countries and peoples be strengthened," said the Swiss leader.

(People’s Daily 09/13/2000)

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