Jiang, Khamtay Reach Complete Consensus in Talks

Chinese President Jiang Zemin Sunday held talks with Lao President Khamtay Siphandone, during which the two heads of state reached complete consensus on all issues they discussed.

Khamtay said that Jiang's tour, the first paid by a Chinese head of state, is "a visit of historical significance."

Only less than two months before the advent of a new century, he said that the visit was paid to further the Lao-Chinese relations and cooperation. "It was very important to consolidate the friendly cooperation between our two countries in the new century," he said.

Khamtay also said the visit gave "tremendous support" to the efforts made by Laos to defend and build its country and push forward renovation and opening-up.

Jiang, in return, said that the frequent contacts between Chinese and Lao leaders are important for the growth of bilateral ties.

Jiang believed the visit will be fruitful and provide guidance to the development of bilateral ties in the new century.

"China and Laos share quite a number of similarities. We two are neighboring countries, and also developing countries," he said.

More, with both adhering to the socialist road, both had to face the trial of choosing a right way before entering the new century.

The two presidents reviewed the development and historical experience of socialism in their talks.

Jiang pointed out that socialism has evolved from utopian to scientific, from a social practice adopted only by a single country to a number of countries worldwide, from revolution to construction, opening up a new road for the social progress of humanity and greatly changing the world.

"The development of socialism is not plain sailing," he said. Communists worldwide are rethinking and re-understanding the concept of socialism and how to build socialism while exploring ways to develop socialism tailing to different national conditions, he said.

Jiang said that the historical changes taken place in China after the reform and opening-up is the result of combining scientific socialism theory with China's reality and can be considered as the successful implementation of socialism in the East.

"It demonstrates that socialism represents the progress of history and is a cause with hope and vitality," he said.

On Sino-Lao ties, Jiang expressed his satisfaction. "The characteristics of our ties can be summed up as mutual trust, mutual support, equal treatment, non-interference of the other's affairs, and sincere cooperation," Jiang said.

He also extended gratitude for Laos' long-term adherence to the One-China policy and support to China's reunification cause.

Jiang told Khamtay that the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government attached importance to the consolidation of ties with Laos for the full-round cooperation between the two neighboring countries.

Such relationship is in the interests of the two peoples and conducive to peace and development in the region, he noted.

China and Laos signed a joint declaration on Sunday. Jiang said such a document set forth the future development course in the new century. "That is to develop our long-term, stable, good- neighborly, friendly and mutually trust relationship," Jiang said.

According to the Chinese President, China is willing to keep frequent contacts with the Lao side at all levels, for the contacts "form the basis of our state-to-state ties."

He welcomed President Khamtay and other Lao leaders to visit China more often. "China is ready to communicate with Lao friends on various regional and multilateral occasions," he said.

China will also strengthen the mutually beneficial cooperation with Laos in economic and trade areas, which still leave great potential to tap, he said.

He told his Lao counterpart that the two countries can further the cooperation in such areas as trade, investment and agriculture, personnel training of various departments, as well as the cooperation and coordination in the East Asian region and other world affairs.

After extending gratitude for Jiang's introduction, Khamtay said that the Chinese theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and its experience gained in construction "are also conducive to Laos."

The direction set forth by Jiang on developing bilateral ties and his concrete ideas fully demonstrated the mutual understanding, traditional friendship and solidarity between the two countries and the two peoples, he said.

The Lao president reiterated that Laos will firmly adhere to the One-China policy and said China's principle of "peaceful reunification and one country, two systems" is correct and suitable to China's national conditions. He believed that China's reunification will be eventually achieved.

Khamtay also expressed satisfaction with the in-depth and fruitful development of the Lao-Chinese relationship and extended gratitude for China's support and assistance to Laos in various fields at different periods.

"Laos is willing to further strengthen the comprehensive, long-term, mutually-beneficial and fruitful cooperation with China," he said.

Khamtay briefed Jiang on the Lao renovation and opening-up drive and the future socio-economic development program. Jiang highly praised the changes taken place in Laos after its renovation and opening-up campaign.

New achievements have been made after the Sixth Congress of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, Jiang said. Laos has successfully mitigated the Asian financial crisis while maintaining its national and social stability and its agricultural production have shown signs of positive rebound, he said.

The two heads of state have also exchanged views on current international situation.

(Xinhua 11/12/2000)

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