New Regulations on Internet Bars

Beijing authorities recently launched a three-month campaign to straighten out irregularities in Internet bars. The investigation came about after a survey of the cafes in Haidian District found that one establishment was providing access to harmful information, while another Internet company was operating illegally, according to Beijing Today.

New applications for licenses to open Internet cafes will not be approved during the period of examination, according to Zhang Xingyun, head of Market Supervision Department of Beijing Telecom Control Bureau.

Current Internet service venues should renew registration before June 20. Those businesses, which do not obtain new licenses, will be regarded as closed. New regulations mandate that licensed venues must post notices regarding rules for Internet use, including time-restriction for under age netizens. Establishments must also list relevant phone numbers for reporting improper practices to the administrative authorities.

New rules also introduced off-limit areas for operating public Internet services. Banned districts include areas within 200 meters of organizations owned by the China central government; middle schools and primary schools; community buildings; and locations along Chang'an Avenue. Star-rated hotels and restaurants, shopping malls over 5000 sqm. and business centers are excluded from the ban.

"The campaign is meant to standardize rather than crack down the Internet bars", said Zhang. "But unlicensed business will be outlawed. The procedure for acquiring the Internet business license is as follows:

a. Submission of application to the police and culture authorities of the relevant district or county.

b. Application for a license from the Beijing Telecom Administration Bureau with the approved papers.

c. Registration with the relevant Industry and Commerce authorities.

Business range must include special terms allowing for Internet services.

(Beijing News. 05/23/2001)