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The Diet of Computer Users

(Qiu Jiangping)

Computer users usually have eye discomfort and feel easily tired, so they should pay more attention to their diet.

Experts gave the following advice:

Add the food beneficial to eyes, such as eggs, fish, cod-liver oil, carrot, squash, chrysanthemum, ginger, radish and animal liver, as well as high-calcium food, such as bean preparations, bone soup, muscle and shrimp, and high-vitamin foods, especially fresh fruit and a wide variety of vegetables;

To strengthen resistance to illness, mushrooms, honey, agaric, kelp; orange and dates should be added to the diet;

As the computer creates much radiation, people should drink tea as most its resins are good in dealing with this, along with spirulina and sallow thorn oil.

Besides these, people should wash their face after using computers and take more exercise.

( by Feng Yikun 05/22/2001)

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