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Number of Internet Users Rising

An ever increased number of Internet users and time-spending on Internet and other related indices show that Internet has become more and more popular in China, according to a survey conducted in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen on May 16 by NetValue, a well-known Internet market research and survey firm, according to today’s People’s Daily.

Headquartered in Hong Kong, NetValue has sample-collecting groups in China’s mainland, HK, Taiwan and ROK, Singapore.

According to the survey, netizens in the four said cities saw a steady increase, 19.4 percent surfing on Internet in March, an increase of 8.4 percent over January.

Days spent on Internet by netizens increased to 9.6 days in March, higher than 8.1 days in February and 9 days in January.

(Xinhua 05/18/2001)

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