"Meeting New Challenges in the New Century: Achieving Common
Prosperity through Participation and Cooperation"
��.Sharing the Benefits of Globalization and the New Economy
1 Ecotech ----Building on the Existing Agenda (Ecotech IAP)
2 Digital Opportunities ---- Making Them Benefit all (detailed
action plan on the New Economy,E-Commerce)
3 Strengthening HRD
4 Corporate Governance ---- Learning from Better Experiences
II. Advancing Trade and Investment
1 Trade Facilitation ---- for Better Economic Efficiency (non-binding
principles on trade facilitation)
2 Improving Regional Investment Environment
3 Multilateral Trading System ---- The Early Launch of the
WTO New Round on the Basis of a Balanced Agenda
4 Trade Liberalization----Maintaining the Momentum towards
the Bogor Goals
III. Promoting Sustained Economic Growth
l Enhancing Financial Cooperation (Shanghai APEC Financial Development
2 Macroeconomic Policy Dialogue ---- Increasing the Predictability
of Economic Environment
3 Structural Reform ---- For More Competitive Industries