Chavez suspends trip to Cuba

0 CommentsPrint E-mail Xinhua, July 26, 2010
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Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez suspended on Sunday his trip to Cuba in fear of an imminent Colombian military raid to his country aided by the U.S. Forces.

During a massive meeting with his followers that was broadcast by state-run TV channel Venezolana de Television (VTV), Chavez said that if Venezuela is raided by Colombia his government will immediately stop the oil supply to the United States.

Chavez also announced to apply internal measure against the governors of the opposition to neutralize the support of anti- revolutionary sectors to the foreign forces. Chavez said these measures will also be applied to the media and civil organizations against his government.

"Let's not be panic. We are threatened by the Yankee Empire," Chavez said. He also mentioned the U.S. bases established in Colombia and he added that the United States invent excuses to attack, invade, kidnap or kill the president of any country.

Chavez said that the United States invented the existence of massive destruction weapons in Iraq to invade it and that they also invaded Panama to kidnap the then President Manuel Antonio Noriega.

Chavez also said that the United States had deployed a naval fleet in case of an aggression against Venezuela to stop the reactions of Caribbean countries such as Cuba or Nicaragua.

Chavez also ordered Vice President Elias Jaua to investigate against Tachira's governor Cesar Perez who has given declarations supporting Colombian President Alvaro Uribe.

Chavez also said that he will watch over Zulia's governor Pablo Perez who according to him has contact with the Colombian violent groups and added that state is an open flank for the empire to use it.

Chavez said that "the armed conflict is boosted by the Yankee empire, since long ago at the border with Colombia. It is nothing new that paramilitaries enter Venezuela to rob, kill and kidnap," Chavez said.

Chavez had planed to travel to Cuba, as he had been invited by Cuban leader Raul Castro to attend Monday's celebration of the 57th Anniversary of Moncada Quarter Assault.

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