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Injured Libyans arrive in Turkey

0 CommentsPrint E-mail CNTV, April 6, 2011
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The Turkish Health Minister was waiting at the dock to welcome the arrivals.

Recep Akdag, Turkish Health Minister, said, " With the frame of U.N. resolution, we will take 321 wounded and their companions from Misrata and Benghazi into Turkey."

Meanwhile, a ship loaded with hundreds of tons of food and medicine aid from the Turkish Red Crescent organization docked in the port of Benghazi on Tuesday .

Abdel Hamid Al-Medany, Libyan Red Crescent,s aid, "This ship brings medical equipment, food and ambulances from the Turkish Red Crescent to the Libyan Red Crescent, to serve the Libyan people who are suffering the humanitarian crisis, because of the siege and the ongoing war between the rebels and Gaddafi."

Benghazi, the second largest city in Libya , is in full control of rebels, who are fighting forces loyal to leader Muammar Gaddafi.

Food supplies are currently stable. But there are fears of worsening shortages as the violence continues.

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