The Capital International Airport
The Beijing subway line
Seven years ago, Beijing promised that the Capital International Airport to make the annual capability of 48 million passengers before 2008. Today, since the New Terminal 3 and the third runway has already put in use, the International airport has made the annual capability of 76 million passengers.
Seven years ago, the total distance of the Beijing subway line was 54 kilometers. Today, it will achieve 200 kilometers. The subway line 5, line 10, the Olympic line and the Airport line are all finished construction one after another, and they will put in use before the Olympic Games.
Seven years ago, the air quality in Beijing was not optimistic,just 50% of days achieved the healthy level. Today the rate has increased to 70%. Although the air quality is now still not achieve the healthiest level, people can enjoy more days of blue sky.The Beijing Government has already invested billions of RMB on environmental protection during the seven years.