Jeev Milkha Singh had some choice words with the trees on this visit to the woods, but he saved par and went on to score 63. |
So once again we find ourselves asking the question whether Wilson can come through the weekend as the winner. If there is a chink in his armour, it must be that although his scoring is as steady as a metronome, his golf is less so. His five bogeys in the event so far this week are already two more than any of his joint leaders, otherwise he would already have a comfortable lead.
His partner Lauren suggested that what he really needs is a bit of a lucky break – a really low score in round two or three that will give him a cushion to put a little distance between himself and the rest of the field. She may well be right, but that is not how things are shaping up here. With 21 players going into the weekend no more than four strokes off the lead, and the rest of the field spread across another four strokes behind, this is still anybody's trophy.
Shots of the day: No question that the award goes to Jason Shun Yat Hak's birdies on 17 and 18, to win himself an extraordinary record which is likely to stand for a very long time. It will be interesting to see how the youngster copes over the weekend.
(China.org.cn November 22, 2008)